Universidad pública, inversión y desarrollo

Los cambios tecnológicos, retos climáticos y convulsiones sociales de los tiempos que corren hacen que la universidad como institución social adquiera una mayor centralidad de cara al futuro. Vale la pena echar un vistazo a otras latitudes para entender cuánto la embestida – externa e interna – contra la Universidad de Puerto Rico cercena nuestra propia capacidad de enfrentar como sociedad los retos del futuro.

The Medicaid Five-Year Deal

H.R. 4406 helps Puerto Rico avoid a short-term Medicaid funding cliff and provides some stability by setting forth clear funding levels for the next five years. However, the proposed five-year deal falls short of parity with the states, is not a permanent fix, and perpetuates the “separate and unequal” treatment of Medicaid beneficiaries in the territories, who are being told, once again, to accept a “good enough” deal.


En el Centro para una Nueva Economía, al igual que el resto de Puerto Rico, hemos quedado conmocionados y visto con gran consternación los hechos recientes de violencia de género que han provocado la muerte de hermanas puertorriqueñas.

Oversight or Punishment?

Last week, the Office of the Inspector General of the HUD released a 45-page report which detailed the multiple instances when the political leadership in OMB, a critical control center within the Executive Office of the President, purposefully delayed processes to release disaster aid.

Federal Funds Anchor New Fiscal Plan

The FOMB for Puerto Rico certified a new fiscal plan for the central government on Friday, April 23. The new Fiscal Plan, just like the others, is based on four core elements: (1) budget consolidation (spending cuts and revenue increases); (2) structural reforms; (3) debt relief; and (4) federal funding for disaster relief and COVID-19 assistance.

Beyond LUMA: Some Lessons from the International Experience Restructuring Electricity Markets

The agreement between PREPA and LUMA Energy for the operation and management of Puerto Rico’s electric grid has been in the public spotlight recently. Many private sector organizations, as well as multiple NGOs, have pointed out the deficiencies of that agreement. Yet, canceling or terminating the agreement with LUMA will not solve Puerto Rico’s electricity problems.