CNE Review – April 2023

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look back at our most recent event in partnership with Yale University: Puerto Rico at a Crossroads and Lessons from Latin America.

Who will celebrate the Planning Board?

In May of last year to be precise, the Puerto Rico Planning Board (PB) celebrated its 80th anniversary and little or almost nothing was said about this event in a country accustomed to celebrating and recognizing anything that our public officials can think of. Read Deepak Lamba-Nieves column.

CNE Review – marzo 2023

En esta edición del CNE Review, le damos un vistazo a la transformación del sector eléctrico de Puerto Rico. En primer lugar, presentamos un resumen de algunos procesos en curso seguido de un análisis del contrato de GeneraPR y sus implicaciones para Puerto Rico.

CNE Review – March 2023

In this special edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at the ongoing transformation of Puerto Rico’s electricity sector. First, we present a summary of the several ongoing processes followed by an analysis of the Genera PR contract and what it represents for Puerto Rico.

Exodus of Doctors: A Problem That Defies Simple Solutions

In this View from Madrid, the author examines some global trends about the so-called “doctor drain”; looks into the policies implemented in Spain, from where she writes this text; contrasts these measures with the situation in the USA; and examines alternative ways to organize the health system.

Servicios médicos justos para Puerto Rico

Se ha convertido en una tradición de fin de año que el Congreso se apresure a promulgar leyes para mantener abierto el gobierno federal. Tristemente para los ciudadanos estadounidenses de Puerto Rico, el Congreso también está luchando para brindar fondos adicionales para el programa Medicaid de la isla y evitar el llamado “precipicio de Medicaid”.

A Year Marked by Fiscal Progress and Economic Uncertainty

This year is ending with a balance of fiscal progress and economic uncertainty. Our net assessment is that the upside factors currently outweigh the downside risks, primarily due to projected federal investment in infrastructure. But that investment is not entirely within our control and it is not recurrent. It is imperative, then, that Puerto Rico begin to design a medium- and long-term economic growth strategy for 2023.

El impacto de los alquileres a corto plazo en Puerto Rico: 2014 – 2020

Este informe provee un análisis detallado de la actividad de alquileres a corto plazo (ACP) en Puerto Rico y atiende varios de los reclamos hechos por distintos grupos, a través de un análisis que se enfoca en: la efectividad de los ACP en proveer oportunidades económicas para dueños de hogares necesitados; y los efectos de los ACP sobre los mercados y la asequibilidad de la vivienda.