CNE’s Living with Risk Daily Briefings were published between March 19, 2020 until May 22, 2020. During this period, Puerto Rico experienced the first ten weeks of the government’s shelter-in-place order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Daily Briefing provided the most trustworthy and credible information on the local, national, and global state of play, validated by CNE’s team of independent experts. CNE’s analysis and public policy proposals to both the local and federal governments were also included.
As Puerto Rico and the mainland started opening up their economies and lifting certain restrictions in a cautious attempt to restore some sense of normality, CNE evolved from publishing a daily briefing to a weekly layout. Beginning on Thursday, May 28, “The Weekly Review” will provide an in-depth analysis of the important economic, social, and political questions that will arise in this new world where we are being called to co-exist with a highly transmissible virus, that has proved lethal and about which we still don’t know nearly enough.
We thank our readers for the feedback, support, and encouragement. We hope you’ll join us in our new endeavor The Weekly Review.
All editions of the Daily Briefing
Click on each tab to read that week’s briefings