To commemorate our 25th anniversary,
we chose origami art as our theme.
The transformation of each piece of paper
represents the potential
Puerto Rico also has to transform itself.
A new economy is possible.
Puerto Rico's Think Tank
The Center for a New Economy (CNE) is Puerto Rico’s first and foremost policy think tank, an independent, nonpartisan group that advocates for the development of a new economy for Puerto Rico. For more than 25 years, CNE has championed the cause of a more productive and stable Puerto Rico through its offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., and Madrid, Spain.
We seek to inform current policy debates and find solutions to today’s most pressing and complex economic development problems by rigorously analyzing hard data and producing robust empirical research. CNE is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does not solicit or accept government funding. It relies solely on funding by individuals, private institutions, and philanthropic organizations.
Our team of experts in Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., and abroad is dedicated to fostering Puerto Rico’s long-term recovery and transformation.