Sin la soga y sin la cabra

Puerto Rico recibe sobre diez mil millones de dólares anualmente en transferencias federales. Estas cubren diversos programas como el Seguro Social, la administración de veteranos, asistencia nutricional y otros.

El mejor regalo

Mamá siempre nos decía a mí y a mis hermanas que el mejor regalo que le podíamos otorgar era mantener la casa recogida y en orden. Ahora que soy papá de dos preescolares, la entiendo mejor. De hecho, mi esposa y yo nos hemos resignado a no decorar la casa al menos por los próximos cinco años. ¿De qué vale decorar si eventualmente lo van a manchar con crayola?

Building a Nation of Owners: Utilizing Credit Unions to Increase Financial Access and Expand Asset Ownership in Puerto Rico

In the 21st century, having access to a basic bank account has been compared to securing access to reliable “electricity, running water and telephone service.” Other commentators have gone further to declare that having access to financial services is “critical to success in the American economy.” Yet in 2002 in Puerto Rico, where we have one of the most advanced financial systems in the world, fully 36% of households did not have a checking or savings account.

CNE Conference on Asset-Building and Economic Development

On Friday, October 8, 2004, the Center for the New Economy, in partnership with the Puerto Rico Bankers Association, hosted a half-day conference entitled: “Financial Services, Asset-Building and Economic Development: New Public Policy Perspectives for Puerto Rico”. The activity was held at the Banker’s Club, located in the Popular Center Building in Hato Rey.The purpose Read More