Connecting the Dots of the Puerto Rico Electric Power System

The performance of Puerto Ricoā€™s electric power system has been deficient for many years now. During the last seven years the government of Puerto Rico has undertaken massive efforts to transform the system. Yet during the summer of 2024, most of these efforts appear to have been derailed.

An Overview of Factors Tied to the Financial Capability of Adults in Puerto Rico

To better understand how Puerto Rican households are faring financially, a topic last comprehensively studied in the 2007ā€“08 Puerto Rico Survey of Consumer Finances, the 2021 National Financial Capability Study surveyed 1,001 adults in Puerto Rico. The findings show that while debt levels are relatively low, many in Puerto Rico struggle to make ends meet.

Food Security for Puerto Rico Now

Congress should not make U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico wait to receive a fair portion of their daily bread until the next Farm Bill deliberations in 2028. The time for Congress to discharge its legal and moral obligations to Puerto Rico is now.

An Analysis of PR100 Summary Report

On February 7, representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy presented a summary of the findings of the PR100 Study. While the PR100 Final Report will not be released until late March, in this policy brief we highlight some of the findings of the PR100 Summary due to their importance and their potential policy implications for Puerto Ricoā€™s electricity sector.

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Update

Now in 2023, the reconstruction and transformation of Puerto Ricoā€™s electric power system is entering a critical stage, as several important processesā€”PREPAā€™s operational and financial restructuring; the commencement of large-scale projects to rebuild the grid; and the elaboration of a new Integrated Resource Planā€”converge at a key point in time.