Dr. Harold J. Toro is Research Director and Churchill G. Carey, Jr. Chair in Economic Development Research at the Center for a New Economy.
Dr. Toro has over twenty years of experience, during which he has worked as principal investigator, and technical advisor for think tanks and institutes focused on social and economic policy related to economic development. He has held faculty positions at the University of New Mexico and the University of Notre Dame and has served in international and interdisciplinary teams in multiple organizational contexts, ranging from academia and international research organizations to government agencies. In these various roles he has overseen the production of surveys related to household finances, led USAID-funded projects related to education and to financial sustainability in higher education, and has worked on evaluations of scholarship opportunities in higher education.
He earned a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California Berkeley and has spent most of his career examining the effect of education, social origin, and timing of birth, on labor market outcomes such as occupational status, earnings, labor force participation, and informal employment. His most salient peer-reviewed publications have appeared in the British Journal of Sociology, Social Currents, and in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.