The Great Recession of 2009

Some economists in the U.S. have started to talk about the Great Recession of 2009 when analyzing the current economic downturn. In the U.S. alone, home equity lost, between 2006 and 2008, $4.2 trillion; the value of retirement assets has declined by $2.3 trillion; while other investments and savings show losses of an additional $2.5 trillion.


La crisis fiscal y económica por la cual atravesamos en Puerto Rico y a nivel global, ha resaltado muchas de las diferencias de percepción e interpretación de los eventos entre trabajadores y patronos. Ambos lados reaccionan con preocupación. Pero sus propuestas en la mayoría de los casos son muy diferentes.

Puerto Rico’s Anemic Private Sector

Professors Steven Davis and Luis Rivera Batiz, in an analysis conducted for their contribution to the book The Economy of Puerto Rico: Restoring Growth, published in 2006 by the Center for the New Economy and the Brookings Institution, found that a “truly striking feature of Puerto Rico’s economy is the underdeveloped state of its private sector.” According to their analysis, private sector employment rates in Puerto Rico are less than half the U.S. rates in recent decades.

The Dangers of (de)Globalization

Between 1870 and 1914 the world lived the high point of the first era of economic globalization. The globe was effectively connected through railways, steamships, and telegraph lines.

The Importance of Bond Ratings

Puerto Rico’s credit rating has been in the news recently. When the government of Puerto Rico or one of its agencies issues bonds, credit rating agencies, such as Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s Rating Services, analyze various quantitative and qualitative factors that may affect the borrower’s ability and willingness to repay, including, but not limited to, the financial condition of the borrower, the prevailing economic conditions in the island, and the political environment at the time of going to the market.

Fiscal Situation Update: Fiscal Year 2008 Review

About a month ago the Puerto Rico Treasury Department released the preliminary revenue figures for fiscal year 2008. General fund net revenues totaled $8.252 billion, which is $610 million, or 6.88 percent, less than the $8.862 billion collected during the previous fiscal year.

Indicador económico: Deuda pública total

¿Qué nos dice el indicador? Una manera de examinar la sustentabilidad del Gobierno es analizando la proporción entre la deuda pública y el producto nacional bruto (PNB) a precios corrientes.


Muchos de mis familiares han tenido la oportunidad de estudiar en la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Me imagino que eso es cierto para muchas personas. Pero, últimamente me he dado cuenta que, aunque yo no estudié allí, el impacto de la UPR sobre mí ha sido mucho más de lo que pensaba.