CNE Review – May 2022

Several positive trends are clearly converging in 2022 to create the opportunity of a generation for Puerto Rico to turn around its economy and start a process that would generate long-term economic growth and development. In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at the current conditions, the risks, and the context in which these trends are developing.

CNE Review – April 2022

In this edition of the CNE Review, we present a set of principles that should guide any tax reform effort in Puerto Rico. Also in this issue, a note on the complicated economic and political outlook given the inflation we face, the current war in Ukraine, and what these critical issues might mean for Puerto Rico.

CNE Review – March 2022

The recently terminated PREPA Restructuring Support Agreement was the third failed attempt to restructure at least a portion of PREPA’s debt. In this Review, we offer some recommendations that hopefully will provide a useful framework to thoughtfully analyze any new proposal to restructure PREPA’s debt.

CNE Review – February 2022

On January 27, 2022, the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico certified a new Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. In this edition of the CNE Review, we highlight some of the most important components of the Fiscal Plan.

CNE Review – January 2022

As 2022 begins there is reason to believe that while we may need to keep adapting to new realities, the new year may also bring some positive developments for Puerto Rico. With that in mind, we present some themes to watch out for in 2022.

CNE Review – December 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look back at our most recent economic conference the 2021 Growth Policy Summit.

CNE Review – November 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we are focusing on education and its role in economic development. Belinda Reyes, a CNE Visiting Fellow, explores some of those connections between higher education and economic development, specifically the issue of what can be done to provide young people with better opportunities on the island.

CNE Review – October 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at some of the early events that foretold the demise of Puerto Rico’s energy system to the shortcomings of the recent agreement with LUMA for the operation and maintenance of the electric grid. We also provide recommendations as to what can be done to tackle the ongoing crisis.