La reestructuración de la deuda con los bonistas locales

Los contratos de deuda no son promesas de cumplimiento seguro. Es por eso que los acreedores reciben una compensación extra, en la forma de tasas de interés que incluyen una prima de riesgo. Reciben una cantidad extra cuando cobran, a cambio de tomar el riesgo de que haya instancias en que no puedan cobrar.

The CNE Growth Commission for Puerto Rico: Proposed Notes Towards an Agenda

Devising economic development opportunities for Puerto Rico and strengthening execution capabilities are the most pressing goals for policymakers in Puerto Rico and the United States. But achieving long-term, sustainable economic growth and development is a complex endeavor: there are no quick fixes or silver bullets. The task requires building realistic goals and managing execution capabilities.

CNE Unveils the Names of the Members of its Growth Commission for Puerto Rico

The Center for a New Economy (CNE) announced today that the CNE Growth Commission for Puerto Rico will meet during the first week of April, in San Juan, to discuss the agenda it has started to outline. The Commission has the objective of identifying strategies and public policies to help restore economic growth in Puerto Rico, and is composed of 17 renowned experts from academia, the private sector, and the public sector.

CNE devela los integrantes de su Comisión de Crecimiento para Puerto Rico

El Centro para una Nueva Economía (CNE) anunció hoy que la Comisión de Crecimiento para Puerto Rico del CNE se reunirá la primera semana de abril en San Juan para discutir la agenda de trabajo que ha comenzado a delinear. La misma tiene el objetivo de identificar estrategias y políticas públicas que ayuden a restablecer el crecimiento económico en Puerto Rico.

Fiscal Adjustment and the Economy

During the past two months, public debate in Puerto Rico has focused mostly on the impact of specific fiscal adjustment measures proposed by the Fiscal Control Board (“FCB”) in its January 18 letter to Governor Roselló and by the Rosselló administration in its February 28 Fiscal Plan.

Medicaid, the ACA and Trump

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the law that created the Medicaid and Medicare programs. The President was eloquent in his description of the objectives of the law: