Ahorrando luz

Ahora me paso todo el tiempo apagando luces en casa. Sin embargo, no hago más que apagar una que alguien viene y prende otra. Y tan pronto estoy fuera de vista, vuelven a prender la que apagué.

The Complicated World of Energy

According to data recently published by Bloomberg and the Bespoke Investment Group, the price of oil has risen 729.58 percent from its low on Nov. 19, 2001 to its closing high of $138.54 on June 6 of this year. As is often the case, there is no single factor that explains this phenomenon in its entirety by itself.

Indicador económico: Deuda pública

¿Qué nos dice el indicador? La deuda pública de Puerto Rico ha aumentado de $24,188.8 millones al 30 de junio de 2000 a $46,183.3 millones al 30 de junio de 2007, un aumento de $21,994.5 millones, o un 90% en siente años. Este aumento es equivalente a una tasa anual de crecimiento de 9.68% durante ese periodo.

Sunlight, the best disinfectant

The work of democracy, ostensibly government in the name of the people, cannot be carried out behind the closed doors of proverbial smoke-filled roomes for it to be done properly. Without accountability and transparency, democracy rapidly devolves into either the tyranny of the majority or, perhaps worse, the tyranny of the minority.


Si bien es cierto que Puerto Rico tiene ante sí muchos retos económicos, más problemático aun, y más pernicioso, me parece a mí que es el triste estado de nuestras instituciones.

Equal Treatment of P.R. in U.S. Census

Last week, the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, led by Del. Donna M. Christensen (D-U.S.V.I.), and the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on Informacion Policy, Census, and National Archives, led by Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.), held a joint oversight hearing on “Census Data: Special Issues Related to U.S. Territories.”

A Sobering Reminder of Economic Reality

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released data from the 2006 Puerto Rico Community Survey. This survey is the local equivalent of the American Community Survey that is carried out annually to update demographic, economic, housing, and social data at the state and county level in the United States.

Lo que hay

Recientemente se ha hablado mucho sobre la responsabilidad contributiva de las corporaciones en Puerto Rico. En aras de informar este debate público, en el Centro para la Nueva Economía nos hemos dado a la tarea de conseguir y publicar los datos del Departamento de Hacienda con respecto a la tributación de las corporaciones con operaciones en Puerto Rico.