The Impact of Short-Term Rentals in Puerto Rico: 2014-2020

This report provides a detailed examination of short-term rentals activity in Puerto Rico and addresses several of the claims made by different groups through a detailed analysis focused on: hosting trends, and the industry’s effects on housing markets and affordability.

Black Start Presentations 

1. Luis Aníbal Avilés – Professor, University of Puerto Rico Law School 2. Kenneth J. Nemeth – Secretary and Executive Director, Southern States Energy Board 3. Janine Migden-Ostrander – Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project 4. Malu Blázquez – Executive Director, ReImagina Puerto Rico 5. Ruth Santiago – Lawyer 6. Hon. Larry Seilhamer – Vice President, Puerto Read More

Primer evento de Blueprint

Los impactos de los huracanes Irma y María dejaron al descubierto uno de los problemas más duraderos relacionados a la vivienda en Puerto Rico: la falta de tenencia formal de la tierra y los asentamientos irregulares que albergan a cientos de miles de personas en la isla. Esta situación no es única, sino que se Read More

CNE lanza nueva iniciativa: Blueprint

Click here for the English version En CNE entendemos que es imprescindible desarrollar un marco abarcador de planificación y política pública para atender todo lo relacionado al tema de vivienda y la tenencia de la tierra. Estos asuntos son medulares para la recuperación y reconstrucción de Puerto Rico. Blueprint proveerá una plataforma de intercambio de Read More

Solving The Puerto Rico Debt Crisis: Policy Priorities

Puerto Rico’s current crisis has been years in the making and is not limited solely to the public debt overhang. At the core of the current predicament is a deteriorated development model and economic institutions that have hindered growth. Thus, any solution enacted by the federal government must provide a workable process conducive to a comprehensive restructuring of the debt and recognize the multifaceted nature of the crisis. Following are the priorities identified by the Center for a New Economy to address the crisis.