Center for a New Economy
For the sixth year in a row, Puerto Rico’s Center for a New Economy (CNE) has been included in the most recent edition of the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania’s renowned Lauder Institute. CNE was recognized in the Think Tanks to Watch in 2019 and Best Independent Think Tanks categories.
Miguel A. Soto-Class, CNE’s President and Founder, stressed that the international distinction validates the work that CNE is doing for Puerto Rico.
“Generally, research and public policy work are considered the most important functions of a think tank, but in my view CNE’s most important contribution to Puerto Rico was never that but rather the idea that an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit organization with the capacity to influence the island’s public and economic affairs could exist.”
The 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report was compiled from a list of 8,162 think tanks and took into account the opinion of more than 3,750 journalists, public opinion makers, donors and specialists around the world. The parameters used include: leadership, reputation, impact, quality of the faculty and its publications, effectiveness of its management, and financial stability. CNE has appeared in the editions of 2013-2018 of the prestigious world report.
The Lauder Institute report states that think tanks are a global phenomenon because they play a critical role for governments and civil societies throughout the world. Think tanks propose solutions to social problems based on scientific evidence and critical analysis. These centers advocate for changes in public policies based on the research and analysis of experts in various social, political and economic issues.
Founded in 1998, CNE is an independent and nonpartisan think tank that produces research and analysis on public policy. Through its offices in Washington D.C. and San Juan, CNE is actively involved in advocating for Puerto Rico in public policy circles in the United States.
CNE is currently one of the most credible and influential voices in Puerto Rico and the United States with respect to the economy of Puerto Rico. Government leaders, journalists and analysts seek out CNE’s publications and analyses when they are looking for balanced and nonpartisan expertise on policy options for Puerto Rico.
CNE is Puerto Rico’s first and foremost policy think tank, an independent, nonpartisan group that advocates for the development of a new economy for Puerto Rico. Over the last 20 years, CNE has championed the cause of a more productive and stable Puerto Rico through its offices in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. We seek to inform current policy debates and find solutions to today’s most pressing and complex economic development problems by rigorously analyzing hard data and producing robust empirical research. CNE is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does not solicit or accept government funding. It relies solely on funding by individuals, private institutions and philanthropic organizations.