Click on the link below to watch the panel discussion in the Center for a New Economy’s forum “Is a Federal Fiscal Control Board the Only Option for Puerto Rico?”.
The event took place on March 2, 2016 at the National Press Club of Washington D.C.
CNE – Centro Para Una Nueva Economía – Center for a New Economy
Non-profit, economic research and policy development organization
Click on the link below to watch the panel discussion in the Center for a New Economy’s forum “Is a Federal Fiscal Control Board the Only Option for Puerto Rico?”.
The event took place on March 2, 2016 at the National Press Club of Washington D.C.
Click on the link below to watch Congressman Pedro Pierluisi’s final remarks at the Center for a New Economy’s forum “Is a Federal Fiscal Control Board the Only Option for Puerto Rico?”
The event took place on March 2, 2016 at the National Press Club of Washington D.C. Scroll below to read a brief biography of Mr. Pierluisi.
Hon. Pedro Pierluisi
Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner
U.S. House of Representatives, Washington D.C.
Congressman Pierluisi has been Puerto Rico’s sole Member of Congress, known as the Resident Commissioner, since January 2009. He represents 3.5 million U.S. citizens, the most of any member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman Pierluisi is an attorney with 24 years of legal experience in the public and private sector. He began his career in Washington, D.C. working as litigator at an internationally recognized law firm. From 1993 to 1996, he served as Attorney General of Puerto Rico. In that role, he supervised over 500 attorneys and argued two landmark constitutional law cases before the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. He was active in the National Association of Attorneys General and served as Chairman of its Eastern Region in 1996. Pierluisi is a graduate of Tulane University and The George Washington University Law School.
Click on the link below to watch Puerto Rico Senate President Eduardo Bhatia’s final remarks at the Center for a New Economy’s forum “Is a Federal Fiscal Control Board the Only Option for Puerto Rico?”
The event took place on March 2, 2016 at the National Press Club of Washington D.C. Scroll below to read a brief biography of Mr. Bhatia.
Hon. Eduardo Bhatia
President, Puerto Rico Senate
San Juan, Puerto Rico
During his term as President of the Senate, Senator Bhatia has been a driving force in the overhaul of the broken fiscal system of Puerto Rico, actively advocating for a balanced budget, restructuring the Island’s debt and eliminating waste, fraud and abuse of public funds. He is the author of a comprehensive energy reform law, legislation to revamp the Puerto Rico’s public education system as well as major civil rights and environmental legislation. Senator Bhatia served as Co-Chair of the Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments (CSG-ERC) in the United States, and was elected President of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) becoming the first Senate President to hold the title. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and graduated from Stanford Law School.
Click on the link below to watch the question and answer session at the Center for a New Economy’s forum “Is a Federal Fiscal Control Board the Only Option for Puerto Rico?”
The event took place on March 2, 2016 at the National Press Club of Washington D.C.
La misma contó con la participación de Miguel A. Soto-Class, Presidente CNE, quien estuvo a cargo del mensaje de apertura; Jaime Martí como presentador del orador principal; Joseph E. Stiglitz como orador principal, y Sergio M. Marxuach, Director de Política Pública CNE, quien presentó su charla “La economía del conocimiento y la sociedad abierta”. Además participaron varios invitados adicionales de un panel de discusión titulado Espacios Abiertos.
Continúe leyendo para ver las demás ponencias, charlas y discusiones en su totalidad en formato de vídeo.