Más allá del salvavidas del presidente Biden

El Plan de Rescate Americano representa un alivio para Puerto Rico pero debe ser visto como una de las piezas del complejo rompecabezas que constituye la recuperación económica de la isla.

Weekly Review – January 14, 2021

In this first edition of 2021, we first present a memo to the federal government on the priorities for Puerto Rico that they should focus on as the new administration begins its work. We also present a memo to the local designated Housing Secretary on the issue of coronavirus emergency rental assistance for Puerto Rico. Finally, our data snapshot shows the Commonwealth’s cash balance.

2020 Funding Showdown

Last night President Trump took to Twitter to threaten with a Presidential veto the long-awaited COVID relief bill. The current short-term continuing resolution (CR) also expires next Tuesday, December 29, meaning that Congress has little time to make adjustments to the Covid relief bill.

Y la reconstrucción, ¿pa’ cuándo?

Han pasado más de tres años desde que los huracanes Irma y María nos azotaron sin piedad, y todavía la reconstrucción posdesastre parece una promesa lejana y sin cumplir.

Weekly Review – December 10 2020

This week, the CNE Team has put together a summary of some of the issues we think will be relevant during 2021. We have broken them down into four categories: the pandemic; the economy; the reconstruction; and international trends. We hope you find this summary useful as you plan the year ahead.

Weekly Review – December 3, 2020

In 2020, CNE produced hundreds of daily briefings and weekly reviews, policy briefs, empirical research reports, evidence-based analyses, and op-eds. This week we highlight ten of them because they garnered the most interest from our readers and are particularly relevant to the challenges Puerto Rico faces.