Weekly Review – November 19, 2020

This week we celebrate a milestone as CNE turns 22. We have a special message from our founder and president to commemorate the occasion. We then have a report regarding some effective public health policies implemented in Valencia. We close with an analysis of the most recent Plan of Adjustment proposed to Puerto Rico’s creditors by the FOMB.

Revised Plan of Adjustment

Back in February of this year, the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico reached an agreement with holders of $10.6 billion of Puerto Rico’s General Obligation Bonds and filed a proposed Plan of Adjustment with the Title III court.

Weekly Review – November 12, 2020

We are dedicating this entire issue to present our first take on the election results. First, we reintroduce the idea of negotiating a social pact for Puerto Rico, in light of the current fluid political environment and the critical economic situation. Then we provide a first look at the new political dynamics in D.C. We close with a piece on some of the international implications of the U.S. election.

Weekly Review – November 5, 2020

This week we wrap up our Focus 2020 Series. We hope you found the analysis and discussion of those ideas interesting and thought-provoking. We also present an analysis of PROMESA’s virtues and defects. Four years after its enactment, what has worked?; what has failed?; and what is missing?

Electronic Export Information

A little over a month ago the U.S. Census Bureau published a notice of proposed rulemaking for the elimination of the Electronic Export Information filing requirement for shipments between the United States and Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. While for the most part this notice has flown under the radar, the negative implications it poses over Puerto Rico’s economic data merits our attention.

Weekly Review – October 29, 2020

This week we reintroduce the idea of a fiscal rule for Puerto Rico, as part of our Focus 2020 Series. In addition, we write about the potential adverse effects of a proposal regarding Electronic Export Information. Finally, we take a look at the Electoral College process and its implications for this year’s elections.

The intricacies of the election process in the U.S.

This year things are complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic and a record number of voters who have already cast their ballots to avoid the crowd on Election Day. This combination could result in a strange election night.

El que mucho promete, mucho olvida

En un momento tan doloroso como este, en el que el mundo experimenta semejante pandemia, vale recordar que Puerto Rico atraviesa una situación aún más delicada. Hay toda una generación en la isla que solo conoce la palabra “crisis”.