Weekly Review – Special Edition – August 27, 2020

This week’s issue of the Weekly Review is a Special Edition dedicated to providing a little bit of the background of our analysis of the agreement between PREPA and LUMA Energy for the operation and management of PREPA’s transmission and distribution system, which is a key part of the process to transform Puerto Rico’s power system.

Analysis of a Long-Term Agreement for the Operation and Management of Puerto Rico’s Transmission and Distribution System

On June 22, 2020, PREPA and the P3A entered into an agreement for the Operation and Maintenance of PREPA’s Transmission and Distribution System with LUMA Energy, LLC and LUMA Energy Servco, LLC. This policy brief analyzes important aspects of this agreement; highlights some risks associated with the performance of that agreement; identifies some serious concerns regarding the transaction; and offers some recommendations for its improvement.

Weekly Review – August 20, 2020

In case you missed it, we share Sergio Marxuach’s latest column “Institutional Stagnation”. This week we also take a look at the current crisis the U.S. Postal Service is confronting, as well as the Decennial Census and the threat to these government institutions.

Estancamiento institucional

En 1948 el ingreso neto per cápita en Puerto Rico era $256 por persona. La infraestructura de carreteras, electricidad y telecomunicaciones era rudimentaria, por no decir artesanal. Ese año pasaron muchas cosas en la isla. Y aunque usted no lo crea el 2 de noviembre de ese año se llevaron a cabo unas elecciones generales.

Weekly Review – August 13, 2020

This week we take a look at President Trump’s recent executive orders that seek to override the legislative impasse regarding the extension of pandemic relief aid. We also analyze the potential economic impact of the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico’s decision in Peña Martinez v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services relating to the inclusion of residents of Puerto Rico in the SNAP, LIS, and SSI programs.

Summary of Peña Martinez v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

In Peña Martinez v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nine plaintiffs, all residents of Puerto Rico, challenged on constitutional grounds their exclusion from the Supplemental Security Income program (“SSI”); the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (“SNAP”); and the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy program (“LIS”).

Correcting Historically Discriminatory Policies Against Residents of U.S. Territories

For decades, Puerto Rico and the other U.S. territories have been deprived of access to federal programs specifically designed to provide a safety net, break persistent poverty cycles and jumpstart the economy. These limitations unfairly discriminate against the residents of U.S. territories and perpetuate long-standing inequities. Three recent court decisions suggest discriminatory policies against the residents of U.S. territories will no longer stand.