Proposals for Disaster Recovery and Rebuilding Puerto Rico

TREAT PUERTO RICO FAIRLY – Puerto Ricans are US citizens by birth. Therefore, Congress should treat Puerto Rico as a state for purposes of allocating disaster recovery and rebuilding funds. Funding provided through FEMA and the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery program should be allocated to Puerto Rico on terms and conditions no less advantageous than those applicable to the fifty states, including funding for hazard mitigation to ensure we minimize harm from similar events in the future.

Puerto Rico Recovery Fund – Week 5 Update

Puerto Rico Recovery Fund – Week 5 Update
Maria, Lessons from Katrina: Ten recommendations from an experienced friend of Puerto Rico and a longtime supporter of CNE, John G. Davies, President of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation.

The Case for Comprehensive Disaster Relief

This hurricane season has been particularly bad with major storms hitting Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and several Gulf states. Total damages are estimated to exceed $200 billion. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) is doing the best job it can with the resources it has at its disposal, but it is clearly reaching the limits of its capabilities.