Weekly Review – October 1, 2020

In the third week of the Focus 2020 series we want, first, to take a step away from the war of federal funding figures and review lessons of the path towards a fair reconstruction. Second, we present a summary of how much reconstruction funding has been appropriated, obligated, and spent. Finally, we present a set of questions we believe should be answered as the reconstruction process moves forward. In addition, we provide a primer on the mechanics of the Electoral College in the United States.

Weekly Review – September 24, 2020

In the second week of our Focus 2020 series, we try to answer the question: Can we Rebuild Puerto Rico’s State Capacity? Puerto Rico had a high degree of state capacity, but with time those skills, capabilities, and resources eroded due to several reasons. Even as Puerto Rico faces multiple crises today, its government is being called to execute at a high level. This gap between low capacity and high expectations is perhaps the most important political issue we face right now.

Weekly Review – September 17, 2020

There are less than seven weeks left before Election Day, a good time to pose interesting questions about some of the many issues affecting Puerto Rico, such as economic stagnation, the post-Maria reconstruction process, and the roles of the government and the private sector as they relate to economic development. Today we begin our seven-week series, FOCUS 2020, dedicated to those subjects. First in line is a brief historical background that will frame the discussion to follow over the next few weeks.

Weekly Review – September 10, 2020

This week we provide an update on Washington D.C. With only 21 days left on the legislative calendar before elections, we discuss if that is enough time for Congress to strike a deal. We also present an infographic depicting how U.S. consumers spent their stimulus payments.

Weekly Review – September 3, 2020

This week we summarize some aspects of the agreement between PREPA and LUMA that in our opinion raise important concerns. We also explore the prevalence of short-term rentals through digital platforms such as Airbnb and its effect on affect housing affordability in Puerto Rico.

Weekly Review – Special Edition – August 27, 2020

This week’s issue of the Weekly Review is a Special Edition dedicated to providing a little bit of the background of our analysis of the agreement between PREPA and LUMA Energy for the operation and management of PREPA’s transmission and distribution system, which is a key part of the process to transform Puerto Rico’s power system.

Weekly Review – August 20, 2020

In case you missed it, we share Sergio Marxuach’s latest column “Institutional Stagnation”. This week we also take a look at the current crisis the U.S. Postal Service is confronting, as well as the Decennial Census and the threat to these government institutions.

Weekly Review – August 13, 2020

This week we take a look at President Trump’s recent executive orders that seek to override the legislative impasse regarding the extension of pandemic relief aid. We also analyze the potential economic impact of the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico’s decision in Peña Martinez v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services relating to the inclusion of residents of Puerto Rico in the SNAP, LIS, and SSI programs.