Blueprint Initiative works with Global Expert on Post Disaster Planning and Reconstruction

Blueprint, the CNE Growth Commission housing and land initiative, continues to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and information through a series of public gatherings and events. There is a need to broaden the discussion about housing in Puerto Rico in the post-disaster period, including issues pertaining to safe and durable housing; Blueprint achieves this by bringing together various sectors in collaborative efforts.

PREPA’s Chiaroscuro

The Royal Spanish Academy dictionary has four definitions for the word chiaroscuro (claroscuro). Two of these are particularly relevant to describe the reality of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), in general terms and the Restructuring Support Agreement (RSA) with a group of bondholders, in specific. According to the dictionary, chiaroscuro can refer to: (1) “the distribution of light and shade in a picture”; or (2) “a set of contradictory traits in a person, situation or thing.”

CNE vuelve a ser seleccionado entre los mejores think tanks del mundo

Por sexto año consecutivo, el Centro para una Nueva Economía (CNE) fue seleccionado e incluido en la edición más reciente del 2018 Global Go to Think Tank Index Report que publica el Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) del Lauder Institute de la Universidad de Pennsylvania. CNE fue reconocido en las categorías de Think Tanks to Watch in 2019 y Best Independent Think Tanks.

CNE Among the Top Think Tanks in the World in 2019

For the sixth year in a row, Puerto Rico’s Center for a New Economy (CNE) has been included in the most recent edition of the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania’s renowned Lauder Institute. CNE was recognized in the Think Tanks to Watch in 2019 and Best Independent Think Tanks categories.

CNE launches Blueprint Initiative

Haga click aquí para la versión en español At CNE we understand that it is essential to develop a comprehensive framework of planning and public policy to address everything related to the issue of housing and land tenure. These issues are central to the recovery and reconstruction of Puerto Rico. Blueprint will provide a platform Read More

Testimonio Ante el Comité de Recursos Naturales de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos Durante Vista Pública Sobre el Estatus de Reconstrucción y Privatización de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica de Puerto Rico

Sergio Marxuach, director de política pública del Centro para una Nueva Economía, testificó el 9 de abril en una vista de la Comisión de Recursos Naturales de la Cámara de Representantes. A continuación compartimos su ponencia sobre el estado de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica y el camino a seguir para la transformación energética de Puerto Rico.

Black Start Presentations 

1. Luis Aníbal Avilés – Professor, University of Puerto Rico Law School 2. Kenneth J. Nemeth – Secretary and Executive Director, Southern States Energy Board 3. Janine Migden-Ostrander – Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project 4. Malu Blázquez – Executive Director, ReImagina Puerto Rico 5. Ruth Santiago – Lawyer 6. Hon. Larry Seilhamer – Vice President, Puerto Read More


Periods of transition tend to be turbulent times, filled with uncertainty and conflict. In the sciences, for example, as Thomas Kuhn explains in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” the period between the questioning of a prevailing paradigm and the acceptance of a new paradigm to replace it is filled with uncertainty, with bitter debates arising between those defending the existing paradigm and those putting forth a new way of understanding nature.