Standing Up for Puerto Rico in Washington, D.C.

In a short three years, CNE has not only elevated and persuaded Congress and the Executive to more adequately address Puerto Ricoā€™s challenges, but it has achieved substantial changes in federal law.

Oversight or Punishment?

Last week, the Office of the Inspector General of the HUD released a 45-page report which detailed the multiple instances when the political leadership in OMB, a critical control center within the Executive Office of the President, purposefully delayed processes to release disaster aid.

First Impressions Matter

In Washington D.C., the symbolic deadline for a new President to make a lasting imprint on the nation is exactly 100 days. After all, first impressions matter. As the Administration and the new Congress near their 100-day mark respectively Puerto Rico has, for better or worse, not been lost in the mix of national priorities.

EITC Questions & Answers

What exactly is the EITC? How does it help families in overcoming poverty and how does it promote labor force participation? Keep reading to find out.

Reinvigorating the Puerto Rico Task Force

Management of territorial affairs has historically fallen under the purview of the Department of Interiorā€™s Office of Insular Affairs. However, President Kennedy changed that situation in the case of Puerto Rico by issuing a memorandum ordering that all matters regarding the U.S.-Puerto Rico relationship be referred to the Office of the President.

The American Rescue Plan Includes Proposal From CNE

Within his first week in office, President Biden laid out his priorities for the American Rescue Plan. The emergency legislation seeks to address the public health crisis and mitigate the nefarious effects of the COVID pandemic on individuals, schools, communities, and businesses.