The Determinants of Economic Growth

Ever since the days of Adam Smith, economists have struggled to understand the process of economic growth. While this effort has produced a better understanding the determinants of growth, many puzzles remain unsolved.

PREPA: A Deadweight on Puerto Rico’s Economy

In August of 2005, the Center for the New Economy published a research paper entitled “Restructuring the Puerto Rico Electricity Sector”. In that report we noted that the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority suffered from various financial and operating inefficiencies that should be corrected as soon as possible.


En agosto de 2005, el Centro para la Nueva Economía publicó un estudio sobre la reestructuración de la industria eléctrica en Puerto Rico. En ese informe alertamos que la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica en Puerto Rico sufría de varias deficiencias financieras y operacionales que debían ser atendidas a la mayor brevedad posible.

A New Look at Puerto Rico’s Electricity Sector

In August of 2005, the Center for the New Economy (CNE) published a research paper entitled “Restructuring the Puerto Rico Electricity Sector”. In that report we noted that the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) suffered from various financial and operating inefficiencies that should be corrected as soon as possible. In this update we find, unfortunately, that most of those deficiencies are still present three years later.

Fiscal Situation Update: Fiscal Year 2008 Review

About a month ago the Puerto Rico Treasury Department released the preliminary revenue figures for fiscal year 2008. General fund net revenues totaled $8.252 billion, which is $610 million, or 6.88 percent, less than the $8.862 billion collected during the previous fiscal year.

“A Transnational Migrant Crossroads: The Circulation of People and Money in Puerto Rico” Presentation

A Transnational Migrant Crossroads is the first ever field study on remittance sending and receiving in Puerto Rico. As such, it is an important contribution to the worldwide literature on economic development and remittances. As its readers will note, the data and policy recommendations set forth will be of use to researchers and policymakers alike. Read More

Diez ideas para Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico necesita que su economía comience a crecer nuevamente. Para lograr esto, es necesario poner más gente a trabajar; crear más empleos en el sector privado; mejorar el clima de hacer negocios en la isla; y arreglar las finanzas del gobierno. Con esto mente presentamos diez ideas que nos ayudaran a incentivar el trabajo, el ahorro y la inversión, y estimular la creación de buenos empleos en el sector privado.

Indicador económico: Deuda pública total

¿Qué nos dice el indicador? Una manera de examinar la sustentabilidad del Gobierno es analizando la proporción entre la deuda pública y el producto nacional bruto (PNB) a precios corrientes.