The Weekly Review newsletter was published from May 28, 2020 through April 29, 2021. It featured in-depth analyses from CNEā€™s team of experts, in a highly readable and accessible format, highlighting the latest information on the local, national, and global state of play, validated by our independent experts. We also provided analysis and public policy proposals to both the local and federal governments.
All editions of the Weekly Review
Click here for a complete look at the seven-part Focus 2020 Series
published in the Weekly Review from September 17 through October 29, 2020.
In this first edition of CNE's Weekly Review we provide a roadmap to our publication. This week we highlight three pieces focusing on assistance to tenants who have been affected by the pandemic, Congressional efforts to provide assistance to tenants, and the results of an analysis to determine the risk of re-opening by major industrial sector in Puerto Rico.