CNE Review – December 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look back at our most recent economic conference the 2021 Growth Policy Summit.

CNE Review – November 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we are focusing on education and its role in economic development. Belinda Reyes, a CNE Visiting Fellow, explores some of those connections between higher education and economic development, specifically the issue of what can be done to provide young people with better opportunities on the island.

CNE Review – noviembre 2021

En esta edici贸n del CNE Review nos concentramos en la educaci贸n y su papel en el desarrollo econ贸mico. Belinda Reyes, Visiting Fellow de CNE, explora algunas de esas conexiones entre la educaci贸n superior y el desarrollo econ贸mico, espec铆ficamente el tema de lo que se puede hacer para brindar a los j贸venes mejores oportunidades en Puerto Rico.

Dashboard de monitoreo de reconstrucci贸n de viviendas

El Dashboard de monitoreo de reconstrucci贸n de viviendas es una herramienta interactiva y din谩mica que brinda datos detallados, a nivel municipal, sobre da帽os a viviendas e inversiones en reconstrucci贸n relacionadas con los huracanes Irma y Mar铆a.

Puerto Rico: Highlights of the Build Back Better Bill

There is a lot of activity going on in Washington, D.C. these days. Back in August, the Senate approved a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. That bill, however, has been on hold in the House, as Democrats negotiated amongst themselves the contents of the Build Back Better (“BBB”) bill. We are still combing through the text, but to keep you informed, we wanted to share some of the key points in the BBB bill regarding Puerto Rico as of today.

CNE Review – octubre 2021

En esta edici贸n del CNE Review, analizamos algunos de los primeros eventos que presagiaron el desplome del sistema energ茅tico de Puerto Rico hasta las deficiencias del reciente acuerdo con LUMA para la operaci贸n y mantenimiento de la red el茅ctrica. Tambi茅n ofrecemos recomendaciones sobre lo que se puede hacer para abordar la crisis actual.

CNE Review – October 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at some of the early events that foretold the demise of Puerto Rico鈥檚 energy system to the shortcomings of the recent agreement with LUMA for the operation and maintenance of the electric grid. We also provide recommendations as to what can be done to tackle the ongoing crisis.聽