Weekly Review – August 13, 2020

This week we take a look at President Trump’s recent executive orders that seek to override the legislative impasse regarding the extension of pandemic relief aid. We also analyze the potential economic impact of the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico’s decision in Pe帽a Martinez v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services relating to the inclusion of residents of Puerto Rico in the SNAP, LIS, and SSI programs.

Weekly Review – 13 agosto 2020

Esta semana le echamos un vistazo a las 贸rdenes ejecutivas recientes del presidente Trump que buscan interponerse ante el estancamiento legislativo en cuanto a la extensi贸n de ayuda para alivio pand茅mico. Tambi茅n analizamos el impacto econ贸mico que potencialmente tendr谩 la decisi贸n de la Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito de Puerto Rico en el caso Pe帽a Martinez v. Departamento de Salud federal en cuanto a la inclusi贸n de residentes de Puerto Rico en los programas de SNAP, LIS y SSI.

Weekly Review – July 23, 2020

This week we highlight the importance of Puerto Ricans being counted in the 2020 Census. We also revisit our #LivingWithRiskConversations and the role of the state in post-disaster responses, and stress the importance of restructuring PREPA’s debt.

Weekly Review – 23 julio 2020

Esta semana resaltamos la importancia de que los puertorrique帽os seamos contados en el Censo 2020. Tambi茅n revisitamos nuestro 煤ltimo #LivingWithRiskConversations destacando el rol del estado en la respuesta pos desastre y enfatizamos la importancia de la reestructuraci贸n de la deuda de la AEE.

Puerto Ricans: The Importance of Being Counted in the 2020 Census

At this point in time, it should not be surprising that Puerto Ricans have grown very weary of the state and federal government. Both have failed us in a big way, and much of that distrust is manifested in the lowest participation rate for the Decennial Census thus far – a questionnaire that, since 1910, the federal government conducts every ten years in Puerto Rico to measure the population and other important demographic variables.

Weekly Review – 16 julio 2020

Esta semana vemos el programa de compensaci贸n por desempleo de cara a la pandemia de COVID-19, la certificaci贸n de la JSAF del plan fiscal de la AEE y la importancia de tomar decisiones basadas en datos al analizar el riesgo y determinar c贸mo y cu谩ndo abrir distintos sectores industriales.

Weekly Review – July 16, 2020

This week take a look at the Unemployment Compensation program in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FOMB’s certification of PREPA’s fiscal plan, and the importance of making data-based decisions when assessing risk and determining how and when to open industrial sectors.