Europe and the Russian Invasion: What鈥檚 at Stake

In this ‘Apuntes de Madrid’ we try to outline a European perspective about the implications of the conflict in Ukraine offering context through some of the debates that are being held in European think-tanks and media. We share links that might be of interest to those that want to continue delving into the topic from this optic.

CNE Review – February 2022

On January 27, 2022, the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico certified a new Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. In this edition of the CNE Review, we highlight some of the most important components of the Fiscal Plan.

CNE Review – febrero 2022

El 27 de enero de 2022 la Junta de Supervisi贸n y Administraci贸n Financiera (“JSAF”) de Puerto Rico certific贸 un nuevo Plan Fiscal para el a帽o fiscal 2022. En esta edici贸n del CNE Review destacamos algunos de los componentes m谩s importantes del Plan Fiscal.

Aspectos destacados del plan fiscal 2022

El 27 de enero de 2022 la Junta de Supervisi贸n y Administraci贸n Financiera (“JSAF”) de Puerto Rico certific贸 un nuevo Plan Fiscal para el a帽o fiscal 2022. En este an谩lisis destacamos algunos de los componentes m谩s importantes del Plan Fiscal.

CNE Review – enero 2022

Al comenzar el a帽o 2022 hay razones para creer que, aunque tengamos que seguir adapt谩ndonos a las nuevas realidades, el nuevo a帽o tambi茅n puede traer algunos acontecimientos positivos para Puerto Rico. Con esto en mente, presentamos algunos temas a tener en cuenta en 2022.

CNE Review – January 2022

As 2022 begins there is reason to believe that while we may need to keep adapting to new realities, the new year may also bring some positive developments for Puerto Rico. With that in mind, we present some themes to watch out for in 2022.

CNE Madrid Bureau: On Our Radar in 2022

The beginning of a new year is always a good moment to pause for reflection, so we will take this opportunity to outline some of the global discussions that we will be following closely from Spain and that may shed light on key issues for Puerto Rico during this coming year.

CNE Review – diciembre 2021

En esta edici贸n del CNE Review le echamos un vistazo a nuestra conferencia econ贸mica anual m谩s reciente, el Growth Policy Summit 2021.