Puerto Rico’s Looming 2019 Medicaid Fiscal Cliff

Puerto Rico and its residents have experienced numerous crises and shocks in the last decades, including an economic depression dating back to 2006; a public debt crisis resulting in the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history and a federally appointed fiscal oversight board pursuing deep budget cuts; a demographic crisis with population dropping by more than 600,000 residents since peaking at 3.8 million in 2004; and most recently, the devastation and cascading effects left by the hurricanes of 2017.

Shortchanging the Territories in Medicaid Funding

An expansionist outlook of American leaders in the late 1800s led the United States to acquire possessions outside of the contiguous land that we still refer to as “the mainland.” However, other than designing military strategies that would provide the U.S. a geopolitical advantage, little thought was given to how these territories would be governed.

La agenda para el nuevo Congreso

Guiar en Puerto Rico no es fácil.  Siempre existe el riesgo de perder una goma por los numerosos y profundos huecos en las carreteras.  A pesar que todos reconocen el problema, atender el asunto es complicado. 

La promesa sin cumplir

Se supone que la ley PROMESA facilitaría una transformación radical en el desempeño de nuestro sector público. Según la narrativa oficial, la intervención federal era inevitable ante nuestro desbarajuste administrativo.

Steps for Fixing Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Problems

The following piece was developed by our colleagues at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). It was written by Nicholas Johnson, CBPP’s Senior Vice President for State Fiscal Policy, and it was originally published on CBPP’s website on February 9, 2016.

Puerto Rico and Congress: Rhetoric and Facts

On November 30, Senator Orrin Hatch, the powerful chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Finance, made some remarks outlining his “concerns regarding several proposals aimed at addressing the growing debt crisis in Puerto Rico.” While we agree with Senator Hatch’s calls for openness on all sides, good faith, and setting aside opportunistic political rhetoric, we do find some of his remarks to be rather disappointing and, in some instances, frankly quite puzzling.

Puerto Rico necesita cambiar su conversación sobre pobreza

A continuación una ponencia por Deepak Lamba-Nieves, Director de Investigaciones del CNE, compartida como reflexión final de la actividad “Voces de la pobreza”. La misma se titula “Puerto Rico necesita cambiar su conversación sobre pobreza”.

Pobreza, oportunidades y sociedad

Nuestra narrativa comienza en un apartamento pequeño, con poca luz y menos ventilación, en un barrio pobre en una colonia de una potencia Europea.