Federal Disaster Funding Update for Puerto Rico

Recently, there has been a heated debate about whether Puerto Rico has been treated fairly by the federal government in the allocation of funds for disaster assistance in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The answer to this question is complicated because it depends in large measure in understanding (1) how the federal appropriations process works and (2) how the different kinds of assistance programs function.

CNE 2019 Summer Reading List

Great books enlighten, empower, and energize us to seek new insights. This summer, CNE staff members share the top three books shaping their thinking.

Blueprint Initiative works with Global Expert on Post Disaster Planning and Reconstruction

Blueprint, the CNE Growth Commission housing and land initiative, continues to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and information through a series of public gatherings and events. There is a need to broaden the discussion about housing in Puerto Rico in the post-disaster period, including issues pertaining to safe and durable housing; Blueprint achieves this by bringing together various sectors in collaborative efforts.

El claroscuro de la AEE

El diccionario de la Real Academia Española provee cuatro definiciones para la palabra claroscuro. Dos de éstas son particularmente relevantes para describir la realidad de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (la “AEE”), en general, y el Acuerdo de Reestructuración de la Deuda de esa agencia con un grupo de bonistas (“RSA” por sus siglas en inglés), en especifico. De acuerdo con el diccionario, claroscuro puede referirse a: (1) una “distribución muy acusada de la luz y de las sombras de un cuadro”; o (2) un “conjunto de rasgos contradictorios de una persona, de una situación o de una cosa.”

CNE Among the Top Think Tanks in the World in 2019

For the sixth year in a row, Puerto Rico’s Center for a New Economy (CNE) has been included in the most recent edition of the 2018 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report published by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania’s renowned Lauder Institute. CNE was recognized in the Think Tanks to Watch in 2019 and Best Independent Think Tanks categories.

Shortchanging the Territories in Medicaid Funding

An expansionist outlook of American leaders in the late 1800s led the United States to acquire possessions outside of the contiguous land that we still refer to as “the mainland.” However, other than designing military strategies that would provide the U.S. a geopolitical advantage, little thought was given to how these territories would be governed.


Los períodos de transición suelen ser tiempos convulsos, llenos de incertidumbre y conflictos. Por ejemplo, en las ciencias, tal y como explicara Thomas Kuhn en su libro La Estructura de las Revoluciones Científicas, el período entre el cuestionamiento de un paradigma prevaleciente y la aceptación de un nuevo paradigma que lo reemplace, está lleno de incertidumbre y surgen amargos debates entre los que defienden el paradigma existente y los que promueven una manera nueva de entender la naturaleza.