Federal Funds Anchor New Fiscal Plan

The FOMB for Puerto Rico certified a new fiscal plan for the central government on Friday, April 23. The new Fiscal Plan, just like the others, is based on four core elements: (1) budget consolidation (spending cuts and revenue increases); (2) structural reforms; (3) debt relief; and (4) federal funding for disaster relief and COVID-19 assistance.

Beyond LUMA: Some Lessons from the International Experience Restructuring Electricity Markets

The agreement between PREPA and LUMA Energy for the operation and management of Puerto Rico’s electric grid has been in the public spotlight recently. Many private sector organizations, as well as multiple NGOs, have pointed out the deficiencies of that agreement. Yet, canceling or terminating the agreement with LUMA will not solve Puerto Rico’s electricity problems.

First Impressions Matter

In Washington D.C., the symbolic deadline for a new President to make a lasting imprint on the nation is exactly 100 days. After all, first impressions matter. As the Administration and the new Congress near their 100-day mark respectively Puerto Rico has, for better or worse, not been lost in the mix of national priorities.

El debate del PUA y el regreso al trabajo: ¿una falsa dicotomía?

De la reciente discusión pública en Puerto Rico sobre la Asistencia por Desempleo Pandémico y el retorno a los centros de trabajo parecería como si las prestaciones sociales fueran una especie de anatema para la inserción en el mercado laboral.  Ambas, sin embargo, deben mirarse de forma interrelacionada y requieren de una fina calibración por parte de los gobiernos.

The PREPA-LUMA Agreement

Back in August 2020, CNE published a report that analyzed important aspects of the agreement between PREPA and LUMA Energy and offered specific recommendations to improve it. Given the recent public debate regarding this transaction, we are republishing a summary of our findings.

EITC Questions & Answers

What exactly is the EITC? How does it help families in overcoming poverty and how does it promote labor force participation? Keep reading to find out.