CNE Review – septiembre 2023

Esta edici贸n del CNE Review presentamos un resumen del estado actual de la reconstrucci贸n y transformaci贸n del sistema el茅ctrico de Puerto Rico.

Actualizaci贸n sobre la Autoridad de Energ铆a El茅ctrica de Puerto Rico

Ahora en 2023, la reconstrucci贸n y transformaci贸n del sistema el茅ctrico de Puerto Rico est谩 entrando en una etapa cr铆tica, ya que varios procesos importantes -la reestructuraci贸n operacional y financiera de la AEE; el inicio de proyectos a gran escala para reconstruir la red; y la redacci贸n de un nuevo Plan Integrado de Recursos- convergen en un momento clave.

El Ca帽o Leads the Way to Our Recovery

In addition to the numerous international awards they have received, and the many analyses, studies and essays that have been written, El Ca帽o鈥檚 experience has been discussed as a model in Brazil, Spain, South Africa and in other communities facing similar problems in various parts of the world. Now many more here need to take note and understand that, El Ca帽o is leading the way towards rethinking and truly rebuilding the country.

CNE Review – abril 2023

En esta edici贸n del CNE Review le echamos un vistazo a nuestra conferencia m谩s reciente en colaboraci贸n con la Universidad de Yale, Puerto Rico at a Crossroads and Lessons from Latin America.

CNE Review – April 2023

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look back at our most recent event in partnership with Yale University: Puerto Rico at a Crossroads and Lessons from Latin America.

Who will celebrate the Planning Board?

In May of last year to be precise, the Puerto Rico Planning Board (PB) celebrated its 80th anniversary and little or almost nothing was said about this event in a country accustomed to celebrating and recognizing anything that our public officials can think of. Read Deepak Lamba-Nieves column.

CNE Review – marzo 2023

En esta edici贸n del CNE Review, le damos un vistazo a la transformaci贸n del sector el茅ctrico de Puerto Rico. En primer lugar, presentamos un resumen de algunos procesos en curso seguido de un an谩lisis del contrato de GeneraPR y sus implicaciones para Puerto Rico.

CNE Review – March 2023

In this special edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at the ongoing transformation of Puerto Rico鈥檚 electricity sector. First, we present a summary of the several ongoing processes followed by an analysis of the Genera PR contract and what it represents for Puerto Rico.