Reinvigorating the Puerto Rico Task Force

Management of territorial affairs has historically fallen under the purview of the Department of Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs. However, President Kennedy changed that situation in the case of Puerto Rico by issuing a memorandum ordering that all matters regarding the U.S.-Puerto Rico relationship be referred to the Office of the President.

The Mess in Texas

Last week the people of Texas had their most recent close encounter with extreme weather. For the sixth time in twenty years, temperatures dropped to frigid lows and demand for electricity, as could be expected, shot up. But the manager of the Texas grid was singularly ill-equipped to face this foreseeable contingency.

¿Cómo reabrir las escuelas?

Las Naciones Unidas le han llamado una “catástrofe generacional” en ciernes. El cierre prolongado de las escuelas tendrá repercusiones negativas en el futuro de los niños y jóvenes de todo el mundo y Puerto Rico no será una excepción.

Weekly Review – February 25, 2021

This week’s issue of the Weekly Review focuses on two subjects that at first glance may appear to be unrelated: the reopening of schools and the need to modernize infrastructure in light of climate change, as demonstrated by widespread electricity blackouts in Texas.

The Earned Income Tax Credit

The Earned Income Tax Credit (“EITC”), enacted by Congress in 1975, is a tax credit available to working families in the United States whose incomes range from well below the federal poverty threshold to roughly double the poverty line.

Weekly Review – February 18, 2021

Last week the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives included language in a bill to match Puerto Rico’s spending on an Earned Income Tax Credit. This week we dedicate a special edition of the Weekly Review to this policy program.

Puerto Rico’s Unmet Needs

It has been three years and 145 days since Hurricane Maria struck the island. In other words, Puerto Rico has entered its fourth year of reconstruction. The amount of time that has gone by could suggest that recovery is fully underway. The reality on the ground, however, is very different.

Weekly Review – February 11, 2021

This week we analyze the FOMB’s latest plan of adjustment, followed by an update on the status of CDBG-DR funds for Puerto Rico. Finally, we discuss which are the main global tendencies that Puerto Rico must take into account when framing an economic growth plan for the 21st century.