Weekly Review – July 23, 2020

This week we highlight the importance of Puerto Ricans being counted in the 2020 Census. We also revisit our #LivingWithRiskConversations and the role of the state in post-disaster responses, and stress the importance of restructuring PREPA’s debt.

El Censo 2020: la importancia de hacernos contar

A estas alturas del juego, no nos debe sorprender la enorme desconfianza que tenemos los puertorriqueños con el gobierno estatal y federal. Ambos nos han fallado en grande, y mucho de eso se manifiesta en nuestra bajísima tasa de participación en el Censo Decenal – un cuestionario del censo que, desde el 1910, realiza el gobierno federal en Puerto Rico cada diez años para medir nuestra población y otros importantes aspectos demográficos.

Weekly Review – July 16, 2020

This week take a look at the Unemployment Compensation program in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FOMB’s certification of PREPA’s fiscal plan, and the importance of making data-based decisions when assessing risk and determining how and when to open industrial sectors.

Unemployment Compensation

Great uncertainty lies ahead for the 50 million Americans that have relied on emergency unemployment compensation to meet basic needs after unexpectedly losing their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the extra unemployment assistance is scheduled to end by July 31.

Weekly Review – July 9, 2020

This week we take a look at how the economic austerity discourse has come to dominate the debate about municipal reform in Puerto Rico, peeling back the layers of the official narrative and explaining why it is necessary to change it. Also, with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging in the mainland, the team at CNE is wondering about how Puerto Rico is spending the $13.9 billion it has been allocated in federal funds to address the effects of the pandemic.

Superar la austeridad en la administración municipal

Luego de cuatro años de haberse aprobado la ley federal PROMESA, y cerca de quince años consecutivos de medidas de austeridad fiscal, nuestro vocabulario de la gestión pública ha adoptado conceptos y términos generalmente asociados con el sector empresarial. Desde entonces se procura “optimizar” recursos, mejorar la “eficiencia” en la prestación de servicios y alcanzar la “autosuficiencia” en las distintas dependencias públicas.

Weekly Review – July 2, 2020

There has been a lot going on recently at the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (“PREPA”). This week we dedicate a special edition of the Weekly Review to highlight two recent transactions executed by PREPA that together could have a material adverse effect on Puerto Rico’s electricity sector.

PROMESA, 4 years later

Four years after the enactment of PROMESA, Puerto Rico still faces massive debt and economic challenges – now, further exacerbated by the 2017 hurricanes, the series of earthquakes that have rattled the island since December 2019, and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Early on, the Center for a New Economy (CNE) warned the measures being considered by Congress would not address the underlying issues affecting the island.