Shortchanging the Territories in Medicaid Funding

An expansionist outlook of American leaders in the late 1800s led the United States to acquire possessions outside of the contiguous land that we still refer to as “the mainland.” However, other than designing military strategies that would provide the U.S. a geopolitical advantage, little thought was given to how these territories would be governed.

CNE Analyzes the New PREPA Restructuring Support Agreement: It is Worse Than You Think

On May 3, 2019, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (“PREPA”), the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (“AAFAF”), and the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico (the “FOMB”), executed a “Definitive Restructuring Support Agreement” (the “RSA”), with the members of the Ad Hoc Group of PREPA Bondholders (the “Ad Hoc Group”), and Assured Guaranty Corp. and Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp. (collectively, “Assured”), for the restructuring of a portion of certain bonds issued by PREPA.

Testimony Before The US House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources Public Hearing on the Status of the Rebuilding and Privatization of PREPA

Sergio Marxuach, public policy director at the Center for a New Economy, testified on April 9 during a hearing of the US House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources. Below we share his oral statements on the state of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority and recommendations for Puerto Rico’s energy transformation. 


Los períodos de transición suelen ser tiempos convulsos, llenos de incertidumbre y conflictos. Por ejemplo, en las ciencias, tal y como explicara Thomas Kuhn en su libro La Estructura de las Revoluciones Científicas, el período entre el cuestionamiento de un paradigma prevaleciente y la aceptación de un nuevo paradigma que lo reemplace, está lleno de incertidumbre y surgen amargos debates entre los que defienden el paradigma existente y los que promueven una manera nueva de entender la naturaleza.

Transformación energética

El sector de energía eléctrica en todo el mundo está cambiando rápidamente a medida que nuevas tecnologías incompatibles con el modelo centenario de generación centralizada de electricidad entran en funcionamiento. Debemos aprovechar esta coyuntura para traer al siglo 21 el anquilosado sistema eléctrico de Puerto Rico.

La agenda para el nuevo Congreso

Guiar en Puerto Rico no es fácil.  Siempre existe el riesgo de perder una goma por los numerosos y profundos huecos en las carreteras.  A pesar que todos reconocen el problema, atender el asunto es complicado. 

COFINA and the “Good Enough” Restructuring Doctrine

On February 4, Judge Laura Taylor Swain issued (1) A Memorandum Opinion and Order Approving Settlement Between Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation (the “Commonwealth – COFINA Settlement”) and (2) A Memorandum of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in Connection with Confirmation of the Third Amended Title III Plan of Adjustment of Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation (the “POA Confirmation Order”).


Las costas de Puerto Rico han sido por siglos, testigo silente del desembarco de multitudes en busca de tesoro y riqueza.  No por nada se nos denominó Puerto Rico.