Weekly Review – February 25, 2021

This week’s issue of the Weekly Review focuses on two subjects that at first glance may appear to be unrelated: the reopening of schools and the need to modernize infrastructure in light of climate change, as demonstrated by widespread electricity blackouts in Texas.

How to Reopen Puerto Rico’s Schools

The United Nations has alerted about a potential “generational catastrophe”. The prolonged closing of schools will have future negative repercussions for children and youths throughout the world and Puerto Rico will be no exception.

El Crédito por Trabajo

El Crédito por Trabajo (“EITC”, por sus siglas en inglés), promulgado por el Congreso en 1975, es un crédito fiscal disponible para familias trabajadoras en Estados Unidos cuyos ingresos oscilan muy por debajo del umbral de pobreza federal hasta aproximadamente el doble del umbral de pobreza.

Weekly Review – 18 febrero 2021

La semana pasada el Comité de Medios y Arbitrios de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos incluyó texto en un proyecto de ley para parear el gasto de Puerto Rico en un EITC. Esta semana dedicamos una edición especial del Weekly Review a este programa.

Weekly Review – February 18, 2021

Last week the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives included language in a bill to match Puerto Rico’s spending on an Earned Income Tax Credit. This week we dedicate a special edition of the Weekly Review to this policy program.

Plan of Adjustment

The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico announced yesterday that it “reached an agreement in principle with several creditor groups to lower Puerto Rico’s debt to sustainable levels after a successful mediation process.” As a result of that agreement, the FOMB asked the court to extend the deadline for filing an amended plan of adjustment until March 8, 2021.

Las necesidades insatisfechas de Puerto Rico

Han pasado tres años y 145 días desde que el huracán María azotó la isla. En otras palabras, Puerto Rico ha entrado en su cuarto año de reconstrucción. La cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado podría sugerir que la recuperación está completamente en marcha. Sin embargo, la realidad es muy diferente.

Weekly Review – February 11, 2021

This week we analyze the FOMB’s latest plan of adjustment, followed by an update on the status of CDBG-DR funds for Puerto Rico. Finally, we discuss which are the main global tendencies that Puerto Rico must take into account when framing an economic growth plan for the 21st century.