The Bankrupt Economy

In 1985 the Johns Hopkins University Press published a book by Richard Weisskoff entitled聽Factories and Food Stamps: The Puerto Rico Model of Development.聽 The book, as you can deduce from the title, is a withering critique of the Puerto Rican economic development model.

La Matem谩tica Dif铆cil de la Ley 7

Como es de conocimiento general, la ley 7 del 9 de marzo de 2009 requiere que el gobierno de Puerto Rico recorte los gastos operacionales, incluyendo n贸mina, con cargo al fondo general por la cantidad $2,000 millones durante el a帽o fiscal en curso (2010).聽 Para lograr estos ahorros la ley 7 establece un proceso de tres fases.

CPR for a Flatlining Economy

Recently released economic data for Puerto Rico present a significantly deteriorating economic picture.聽 The Puerto Rico Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate for the month of July was 16.5%, the highest level in 16 years.聽 If we take into account the unemployed who are not looking for jobs, the so-called discouraged workers, and those who are underemployed, who desire to work full time but can only find part-time work, the island鈥檚 unemployment rate would probably approximate 25%.

Tocando Fondo

La聽Junta de Planificaci贸n聽anunci贸 el viernes pasado que la reducci贸n en el Produto Nacional Bruto para el A帽o Fiscal 2009 fue de 5.5%. 聽Esa contracci贸n evidentemente fue m谩s profunda de lo que se esperaba. 聽En nuestra opini贸n esto pone en duda la posibilidad de una recuperaci贸n r谩pida en Puerto Rico.聽

The Risk of Permanent Stagnation

Recently there has been a lot of talk among U.S. economists about “green shoots” and “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,” popular ways of saying that the worst of the current recession is over and growth will probably resume late this year or early 2010. In Puerto Rico, however, economic indicators continue to hover in negative territory.

The Wages of Debt

Here鈥檚 an excerpt from our latest report, written by Sergio Marxuach, on the worrying trends regarding Puerto Rico鈥檚 public debt. The full report is available here. We have also posted a brief interview, in Spanish, that explains the nuts and bolts of the report.

Doing Away with Another Barbarous Relic

In 1923 John Maynard Keynes published his Tract on Monetary Reform, which was his first attempt to analyze the monetary instability that plagued the post-World War I world. In classic contrarian fashion, one of Keynes’ conclusions was that central bankers – by shackling tehemselves to the “barbarous relic” of the gold standard – were actually exacerbating monetary problems.

A new Challenge on Climate Change

On June 29, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the American Clean Energy and Security Act by the narrow margin of 219 to 212. This comprehensive bill, which now moves on to the Senate, seeks to create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, and reduce global warming pollution.