Universidad pública, inversión y desarrollo

Los cambios tecnológicos, retos climáticos y convulsiones sociales de los tiempos que corren hacen que la universidad como institución social adquiera una mayor centralidad de cara al futuro. Vale la pena echar un vistazo a otras latitudes para entender cuánto la embestida – externa e interna – contra la Universidad de Puerto Rico cercena nuestra propia capacidad de enfrentar como sociedad los retos del futuro.

The Medicaid Five-Year Deal

H.R. 4406 helps Puerto Rico avoid a short-term Medicaid funding cliff and provides some stability by setting forth clear funding levels for the next five years. However, the proposed five-year deal falls short of parity with the states, is not a permanent fix, and perpetuates the “separate and unequal” treatment of Medicaid beneficiaries in the territories, who are being told, once again, to accept a “good enough” deal.

CNE Review – June 2021

On the 5th anniversary of the enactment of PROMESA, the CNE Review takes a look at how PROMESA has evolved, what has been overlooked, its costs to Puerto Rico, and its consequences. The unavoidable conclusion is that the territorial bankruptcy regime set up by law has failed to achieve most of the goals set forth by its authors.

PROMESA: A Failed Colonial Experiment?

On June 30, 2016, President Obama signed into law the Puerto Rico Oversight and Management Economic Stability Act. As we look back and take stock of the events that have taken place since 2016, the unavoidable conclusion is that the territorial bankruptcy regime set up by that law has failed to achieve most of the goals set forth by its authors.