Reinvigorating the Puerto Rico Task Force

Management of territorial affairs has historically fallen under the purview of the Department of Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs. However, President Kennedy changed that situation in the case of Puerto Rico by issuing a memorandum ordering that all matters regarding the U.S.-Puerto Rico relationship be referred to the Office of the President.

The American Rescue Plan Includes Proposal From CNE

Within his first week in office, President Biden laid out his priorities for the American Rescue Plan. The emergency legislation seeks to address the public health crisis and mitigate the nefarious effects of the COVID pandemic on individuals, schools, communities, and businesses.

Puerto Rico’s Unmet Needs

It has been three years and 145 days since Hurricane Maria struck the island. In other words, Puerto Rico has entered its fourth year of reconstruction. The amount of time that has gone by could suggest that recovery is fully underway. The reality on the ground, however, is very different.

Las necesidades insatisfechas de Puerto Rico

Han pasado tres años y 145 días desde que el huracán María azotó la isla. En otras palabras, Puerto Rico ha entrado en su cuarto año de reconstrucción. La cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado podría sugerir que la recuperación está completamente en marcha. Sin embargo, la realidad es muy diferente.

Biden’s Rescue Plan

President Joe Biden unveiled last week a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to help stabilize the faltering U.S. economy.

El plan de rescate de Biden

El presidente Joe Biden dio a conocer la semana pasada un paquete de asistencia por COVID-19 de $1.9 billones (trillion en inglés) para ayudar a estabilizar la tambaleante economía estadounidense.

Housing and Digital Platforms: Airbnb in Puerto Rico

Airbnb’s entry into Puerto Rico, at least before the COVID-19 outbreak, had been very well received. It has raised passions among supporters and detractors. The evidence thus far appears to support the claims of detractors, particularly those of residents.

La vivienda y las plataformas digitales: Airbnb en Puerto Rico

La entrada de Airbnb a Puerto Rico, por lo menos antes del brote del COVID-19, ha tenido una gran acogida. La misma ha levantado pasiones entre partidarios y detractores. La evidencia hasta el momento parece apoyar más los reclamos de los detractores, particularmente los de residentes.