Puerto Rico: Highlights of the Build Back Better Bill

There is a lot of activity going on in Washington, D.C. these days. Back in August, the Senate approved a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. That bill, however, has been on hold in the House, as Democrats negotiated amongst themselves the contents of the Build Back Better (“BBB”) bill. We are still combing through the text, but to keep you informed, we wanted to share some of the key points in the BBB bill regarding Puerto Rico as of today.

Standing Up for Puerto Rico in Washington, D.C.

In a short three years, CNE has not only elevated and persuaded Congress and the Executive to more adequately address Puerto Rico鈥檚 challenges, but it has achieved substantial changes in federal law.

Defendiendo a Puerto Rico en Washington D.C.

En tan solo tres a帽os, CNE no solo ha elevado y persuadido al Congreso y al Ejecutivo para que aborden de manera m谩s adecuada los desaf铆os de Puerto Rico, sino que ha logrado cambios sustanciales en leyes federales.

Oversight or Punishment?

Last week, the Office of the Inspector General of the HUD released a 45-page report which detailed the multiple instances when the political leadership in OMB, a critical control center within the Executive Office of the President, purposefully delayed processes to release disaster aid.

驴Supervisi贸n o castigo?

La semana pasada, la Oficina del Inspector General de HUD public贸 un informe de 45 p谩ginas que detalla las m煤ltiples instancias en las que el liderazgo pol铆tico de la Oficina de Administraci贸n y Presupuesto intencionalmente retras贸 la ayuda pos desastre.

La primera impresi贸n cuenta

En Washington D.C., existe una fecha simb贸lica de 100 d铆as para medir el desempe帽o de una nueva Administraci贸n. Despu茅s de todo, la primera impresi贸n cuenta. A medida que la Administraci贸n y el nuevo Congreso se acercan a los primeros 100 d铆as, respectivamente, Puerto Rico, para bien o para mal, se ha mantenido dentro de las prioridades nacionales.