CNE Review – June 2022

This month the CNE Review will take a look at some of the issues affecting the housing market in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico’s Housing Situation Five Years After Hurricane María

Since 2018, CNE’s Blueprint Initiative has provided a platform for productive conversations and knowledge exchanges on issues of land ownership, accessibility, and safe housing. Below is a brief review of the ongoing and completed research we have been working on for the past years.

Y los trabajadores, ¿dónde están?

Hay miles de millones en fondos federales disponibles para la recuperación, pero actualmente no tenemos la mano de obra con las destrezas técnicas y profesionales necesarias para restablecer a Puerto Rico.

CNE Review – May 2022

Several positive trends are clearly converging in 2022 to create the opportunity of a generation for Puerto Rico to turn around its economy and start a process that would generate long-term economic growth and development. In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look at the current conditions, the risks, and the context in which these trends are developing.

2022 – The Opportunity of a Generation for Puerto Rico

Several trends are currently converging, both worldwide and in Puerto Rico, to create the conditions for a rethinking of the process of economic growth and development. In this piece, we take a look at the current conditions, the risks, and the context in which these trends are developing.

Who Gets Emergency Housing Relief? An Analysis of FEMA Individual Assistance Data After Hurricane María

In May of 2022, the Housing Policy Debate journal published a research article carried out by CNE’s research unit. This article contributes to the critical task of revealing postdisaster damages and reconstruction trends through a detailed examination of housing and personal property damages and benefits received through FEMAS’s Individual Assistance Program after Hurricane María.