Europa: qué está en juego con la invasión rusa

En este ‘Apuntes de Madrid’ intentamos esbozar una perspectiva europea de las implicaciones del conflicto en Ucrania, ofreciendo algún contexto a través de los debates que discurren en think tanks y medios europeos. Compartimos enlaces que pueden resultar de interés para aquellos que quieran continuar profundizando en el tema desde esta óptica.

CNE Review – February 2022

On January 27, 2022, the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico certified a new Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. In this edition of the CNE Review, we highlight some of the most important components of the Fiscal Plan.

Selected Highlights of the Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2022

On January 27, 2022, the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board (“FOMB”) for Puerto Rico certified a new Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. In this report, we highlight for our readers some of the most important components of the Fiscal Plan.

CNE Review – January 2022

As 2022 begins there is reason to believe that while we may need to keep adapting to new realities, the new year may also bring some positive developments for Puerto Rico. With that in mind, we present some themes to watch out for in 2022.

Tracking Neighborhood Change in Geographies of Opportunity for Post-Disaster Legacy Cities: A Case Study of San Juan, Puerto Rico

In January of 2022, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy published a working paper carried out by CNE’s research unit on “Tracking Neighborhood Change in Geographies of Opportunity for Post-Disaster Legacy Cities”. Using the San Juan Metropolitan Area (SJMA) as a case study, we measured how different indicators for neighborhood change are associated with storm impacts, specifically those stemming from Hurricane María, and the geographical distribution of opportunities.

Desde Madrid: En el radar para el 2022

El primer mes del año es buen momento para pasar revista, por lo que aprovechamos para esbozar algunas de las discusiones que seguiremos de cerca desde España que pueden arrojar luz sobre temas fundamentales para Puerto Rico durante este año que recién inicia.

CNE Review – December 2021

In this edition of the CNE Review, we take a look back at our most recent economic conference the 2021 Growth Policy Summit.